Electro-etching Made Easy. Renewed!

Electro-etching Made Easy
By Alfonso Crujera
Gran Canaria Island, Spain. April 2010. Reviewed in 2014.
Text  © Alfonso Crujera

This article was written originally for the non toxic printing website managed by Friedhard Kiekeben*written in English by Alfonso Crujera and reviewed by Jennifer Helen Show. Thank you very much, Jennifer.

Many thanks also to Bob Perkin for his assistance in correcting some translation errors related to voltage and current.

The photographs illustrating this article were produced by Helios VegaPhotographs © Helios Vega

The subjects of this article are an abstract from the Electro-etching handbook -a safe, non-toxic approach.

An earlier version of this article can be found on the website non toxic print

© Alfonso Crujera 2014